Sunday, October 24, 2010

I made a music video with my dad for his band! I'm posting this everywhere, but whatever man, I'm super proud of this. It took a lot of time. I helped with all the animation, and my dad is all the music. We edited it together.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Sometimes I feel like I creep too much. But I don't know.

Apple hill! One of my favorite places.

HANDS. Hands. Hands.
My mother is a wonderful model when she falls asleep on BART.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Kind of been not drawing a whole lot lately. I found out that my school doesn't offer AP art (at all) and I really don't want to take Beginning Art, which is necessary to get into Advanced Art, so erghh. What up high school, what up.
I need to get back into the swing of things and do more projects and stuff. Errgh I'm a mess.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Did this for an assignment in my World History class - we were supposed to create a visual metaphor for the foundations of democracy. It was supposed to be a poster but uh, my partner and I were a little ambitious. He did the words and narration, which is pretty awesome.

I've been missing CSSSA a lot lately, which I guess sort of spurred this on. I'm trying to incorporate more of the things I've learned, or have wanted to do into my school work, or to just have a lot of projects on at once to get myself motivated. I don't know. I made a comic as well, but didn't have time to scan it before I had to turn it in.

BUT HOW AWESOME WAS THAT DVD. So awesome. It made me all happy and smiley. Good times.