Sunday, August 29, 2010

I managed to doodle my little brother when he was playing at the park, in the two seconds he was keeping still.

I guess I've been drawing a lot of places lately. I don't know.

Went to orientation for sophomore year and drew all the administration, they basically replaced half of them so that's a little strange.
This flea market type thing I went to a while ago. I'm trying to get better at clutter.

Friday, August 27, 2010

I went to this life drawing session at a local art studio and it was kind of ... weird. I dunno, it was all oil painters, which is cool, but I felt super out of place and impatient because I wanted the poses to be shorter. I didn't do anything I liked, but I guess practice it practice.. so yeah.

I've been working on a coloring book, though.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Some random portrait type things? Most of these were from photographs, which is part of why they are funky in a not good way.

My mother, I made her sit still for seven minutes.

Sunday, August 15, 2010


What I've been doing since I got back:

My stepmom

My deliciously fluffy cat Tiberius
My dad, some hands and a fireplace.

csssa sketchbook stuff

This is the last of it I think. I finally took pictures of selected stuff.