Monday, December 27, 2010

I now possess a scanner! Yay! I've actually been drawing a lot as well, so also yay!

Got some gouache and have been playing around with it. I dunno, man.
During Christmas dinner, what do I do? Stare at people. That's what. I'm a cool kid.

A parade. I got in my local newspaper. It was awesome.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

So life has been kind of busy for me lately. I have been sketching a lot but not enough, and I need to work on bringing my stuff with me more because there is a lot of dead time in my classes... There's just not a lot of room in my bag. I'll solve it one way or another. Too much of this is really boring :| argh.
I just want a job where I can creepily draw people's faces all day. . .

Sunday, October 24, 2010

I made a music video with my dad for his band! I'm posting this everywhere, but whatever man, I'm super proud of this. It took a lot of time. I helped with all the animation, and my dad is all the music. We edited it together.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Sometimes I feel like I creep too much. But I don't know.

Apple hill! One of my favorite places.

HANDS. Hands. Hands.
My mother is a wonderful model when she falls asleep on BART.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Kind of been not drawing a whole lot lately. I found out that my school doesn't offer AP art (at all) and I really don't want to take Beginning Art, which is necessary to get into Advanced Art, so erghh. What up high school, what up.
I need to get back into the swing of things and do more projects and stuff. Errgh I'm a mess.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Did this for an assignment in my World History class - we were supposed to create a visual metaphor for the foundations of democracy. It was supposed to be a poster but uh, my partner and I were a little ambitious. He did the words and narration, which is pretty awesome.

I've been missing CSSSA a lot lately, which I guess sort of spurred this on. I'm trying to incorporate more of the things I've learned, or have wanted to do into my school work, or to just have a lot of projects on at once to get myself motivated. I don't know. I made a comic as well, but didn't have time to scan it before I had to turn it in.

BUT HOW AWESOME WAS THAT DVD. So awesome. It made me all happy and smiley. Good times.

Friday, September 17, 2010


Schoooool started two weeks ago so I've basically been very busy. Now that I've settled in though I hope to draw a lot more.

. I had a lot of time to kill in sixth period today.

Creepin' on people in the lunch quad like yeah.

Auditions were this week. Lots of sitting, soooo.

These last two are people from my PE class, which is YOGA this year I'm so happy no more running yay.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Got a new sketchbook. I should really color more things, but I keep forgetting my watercolors at my dad's house. Huh.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

I managed to doodle my little brother when he was playing at the park, in the two seconds he was keeping still.

I guess I've been drawing a lot of places lately. I don't know.

Went to orientation for sophomore year and drew all the administration, they basically replaced half of them so that's a little strange.
This flea market type thing I went to a while ago. I'm trying to get better at clutter.